Friday, October 8, 2010


If there is one message the politicians need to hear, loud and (excruciatingly) clear, it's "STOP LYING!"

We are tired of all the lies, half-truths, spin, mis-remembering, and just plain unadulterated bullshit.

It is not that one party corners the market on truthfulness; both parties are guilty of saying what they think their current audience wants to hear.

I wouldn't let my kid act the way politicians act.

If you take a second to think about it, we let politicians act like punk ass kids and we let them have the power of making laws. I think if they can't act like adults before election they should be publicly flogged.

Campaign promises should be treated as verbal contracts. If after they are elected and it is discovered they lied they should be jailed. People are elected based on the idea they will stay true to the promises they make during the campaign.

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