Friday, November 26, 2010

Why should I care who or how many people like something

Why should I care who or how many people like something

This goes doubly for sites that are not in fact social networking sites. Why should I give a rip who has read or liked a news article about the rising price of artichokes. If "Jim" from "FaceBook" likes the article too should I feel justified? I don't know Jim, he might be a complete dumb-ass and the face we have a common opinion about an article could reflect poorly on me.

The "like" feature and embedding of social networking site crap on web pages has gotten out of hand. Just in case you are wondering mister website designer, having your site reference a cookie from a social site doesn't make me feel like the web is tailor made for me; no, it is just creepy.

I liked the internet much more in the rip-roaring pre-Y2K days.
All these social sites are a freaking plague on the net.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The TSA is hiring Registered Sex Offenders

Yes, that can be the only reason that these TSA rent-a-cops are so quick with the body cavity searches. The TSA is part of a rehabilitation programs for porn addicts and registered sex offenders.

So, if you are a sleaze-bag pervo who likes abusing power the TSA is hiring.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cats and Dogs

I want to bitch slap the whole lot of ya.

It is annoying, to say the least, that it must always degenerate into a name-calling, tattle-tail, whine-fest; whenever there is a difference of ideology.

I find it interesting that both sides are painfully guilty of the same bias and one-sided reporting.

You are both puppets.
Good or Bad , just varying degrees of evil

get it, you guys are oarsmen on different sides of the ship; doing whatever you can to spite the other.

We are aware that neither system, on its own works. We are also aware that there are those who know this but love power, and use the divide to increase their grip.

It is what you have made it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh wait... You don't read this shit anyway

Since this blog is like the sound of one hand clapping (I'm a freaking wealth of philosophical crap lately). I have the thought, "how about starting posting some really crazy shit." You know, the type of stuff that makes complete strangers want to tell you off, even though there is absolutely no way you could ever have prior knowledge to intend to offend them (can we say run-on-sentence).

Some might say this is a bad idea.

I know what you are thinking, "NOTHING!" Cause I would have to have a reader to have someone to think something.


So, my first offensive thought: Midgets, just like real people only smaller.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In search for decent workboots

I should market myself as a tester for workboots. If I get 6 months out of a pair of boots they have a longer than average life span.
I remember when you would have to replace boot-laces. Now of days, I find myself removing the laces out of the boot before I throw the boots away.

In the past 3 years I have wore-out

2 Caterpillar Indiana models,

1 Wolverine Pit Boss,

1 Wolverine hiking boots (don't know the model name)

I remember being told that if I got a pair of RedWings, they would last for 2 years or more. I was lucky to get 9 months before they were un-wearable.

In my life, I have worn-out



Doc Martians,



and too many no name brands to recall.

I started with cheap boots, mainly because I could not afford the expensive ones. When I was first able to get a good pair, I thought the quality would justify the price. Sadly I have not found it to be true.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Questions answered.

The age old question (honestly I am unsure of the age) of the falling tree without a self-aware witness' observation, does it really fall?

I have always assumed the answer to be yes, because it states that the tree falls in the question (Wall-la! Rocket-science)

But logic alone will not do. No, we here at splitcell have done what logic has failed to do, we have proved it.

We have asked ourselves (which is strange cause there is only one of us): "If a blog is written and no body reads it, is it really written?"

If you can read this now, it must have been or you are just freaking imagining that you are reading it- ya Sicko.

I want a Nobel Peace Prize.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm taking a break

The one main thing that turns me off of my diet of conservative talk radio programming is their need for constant crisis.

Up, until, last Tuesday the midterm elections topped the crisis list.

After the election (which was really a statement of the American people to the government) did we get a chance to breath and enjoy the moment? No, there was another crisis that needs the utmost of our attention.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I do not buy it

This map of vote results has me curious and I am not buying it.

If you look, Angle held huge margins of victory in the majority of the state.

In two of the three areas that Reid won, his margin was a couple of percentage points.

The third, around Las Vegas, his margin skyrockets to 13 %

Can we say voter fraud?

It is one thing to have a general pattern that shows that the race can go either way. It is also common to see a blow-out (such as the results from all the 13 counties Angle carried), but when a single concentrated area has such a huge discrepancy there is a problem.

If the people of Nevada or Angles camp do nothing about this they sh0uld be ashamed of themselves. This is blatant fraud and election fixing.

It is not that hard, bring in a outside audit firm to confirm the machines and votes.

Reid will never agree and the secretary of state is an incumbent dem, so they will sway the results.

Also, to make my point, check out the results for the Governor and House Districts. Are you telling me that with such an overwhelming Republican response, all over the state, that 13% of Voters decided to keep one of the worst of the Democrates in office? Really? Come-on!

Reid, you are what is wrong with American politics today.