Friday, November 26, 2010

Why should I care who or how many people like something

Why should I care who or how many people like something

This goes doubly for sites that are not in fact social networking sites. Why should I give a rip who has read or liked a news article about the rising price of artichokes. If "Jim" from "FaceBook" likes the article too should I feel justified? I don't know Jim, he might be a complete dumb-ass and the face we have a common opinion about an article could reflect poorly on me.

The "like" feature and embedding of social networking site crap on web pages has gotten out of hand. Just in case you are wondering mister website designer, having your site reference a cookie from a social site doesn't make me feel like the web is tailor made for me; no, it is just creepy.

I liked the internet much more in the rip-roaring pre-Y2K days.
All these social sites are a freaking plague on the net.

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