Sunday, October 10, 2010

Collective hate bonding

I like the idea of "Anti-social networking" as much as the next guy, but should we be concerned with the effects of collective hate bonding; namely "Mob Rule".

If you can get enough people together who hate the same thing (the operative word is 'enough') you then possess the very volatile formula for revolution. It is precisely because of this instability, that Democracy is a poor governmental system.

I digress.

It seems odd that people would be surprised that making a website where people can share their dislikes, especially by allowing them the give a brief reason for the dislike, would foster bonding.

Common hates have always been a catalyst for alliances; hate fuels hate, and alliances built on common dislikes grow and fester to the point that they begin to engulf everyone and everything that stands either outside or in opposition to the alliance.

Do we ban it?
No, you can't; it is too much apart of human nature.
Can we educate it out of people?
No, it is entrenched in the brain where reason can not touch.

What do we do?
Acknowledge it in yourself and be honest about it in your own life, work against your natural inclinations, and work on not feeding the hate of others.
That is all we can do. At the very best we will not encourage others to act out on their hate, but we will never stop them from hating.

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