Thursday, October 7, 2010

what is up with these sicko?

If there was any other group out there using children in the same fashion that some of these environment companies are, there would be a huge public out cry.

First, the 10.10 video comes out.

If you haven't seen the video (it makes the SAW movies look like a PBS special) here is the link

The a group called ACT features a picture of a little girl with a noose around her neck standing on a iceberg.

I mean, REALLY?

Is it truly the message these groups want to send? I think the ACT group is trying to impress that they believe that if Climate change is not dealt with (I personally believe that the whole climate change thing is a scheme to make money) that it is putting children at risk.

But the 10.10 video doesn't send that message at all. The 10.10 video's message is, if you dissent we will kill you. Further more, if you teach your kids to be skeptical of climate change, we will kill them as well.

I don't care for democrats or republicans- both are pretty much sellouts. But I do believe that if these tactics were in use by some group, any less progressive, the public outcry would be monumental. We would all be demanding a pound of flesh.

You fuck with me, that's cool, I can hold my own; you fuck with my kid- I kill you.

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