Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh yes, this is what we should strive to obtain

As a male who grew up in the 80's my image of a strong and fit physique is a tad askew. Rambo and the Terminator really set the bar to a unrealistic goal.
Even now: happily married, father, successful in business; the image has not changed much.
It seems like no matter where you look, there seems to be someone ready to tell you that you need to lose weight, gain muscle, or enlarge your johnson.
Can we not be satisfied with who we are and where we are? Our culture is highly discontent. When you have size 1 women running around with the ever elusive 5 pounds to lose.
We seem so busy lusting after what we think we want, we miss the here and now. Not to sound like too much of a a-hole, if you waste your life in this manner, you deserve to be miserable.
Get over yourself. There is more to life than being pretty.
Pretty people decompose just like ugly people. So find something that is really worth your time and attention, you'll be happier and enjoy yourself more.

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