Monday, October 4, 2010

Social Not-working

I do not want to be lumped in with those who for one reason or another hate facebook. Nor do I fear deeply for all the personal information social networking sites mine and sell; that is pretty much their business. Stalking, Cyber bullying, and alike do not fuel my desire to disengage from facebook.
Do I think facebook has value? Yes, I know of many families that use FB as a means of staying in touch and keeping up-to-date with each other's happenings.

I, merely, am done.

I didn't join FB right away (I delayed, wondering what all the to-do was about); much like my delay in joining myspace. (Is myspace still around?). But once I did join FB, I was amazed at how many people from high school were already active on the site; people I had forgot and not thought about for years. It was fun, to re-connect, but quickly you realize why the divide occurred in the first place. We are not eternally encased in who we were, nor should we be seen in that way. Nor do we need to have all of our thoughts and daily activities chronicled (yes I am aware of the irony) for friends and acquaintances alike to scroll through daily.

I, merely, am done.

Soon, as with all things, FB will drift into the back of our collective consciousness. It will be there. There will be many who will still use it religiously. No, it will no cease, we will merely move forward and no longer notice FB.

we will, merely, be done.

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