Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Now I can be the leader I am suppose to be

After 40 post I have finally gained a follower.
Now I can start to amass my loyal army of henchmen (or women, depending)
I think I deserve a little HighFive action

Now, I expect more of my myriad of readers to pony-up and begin following my posts more regularly-

P.S. I command you.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

if you can read this you must be a nerd

For some reason I am enthralled with electrical engineering, even though I have not had any formal training.

My job places me in the sphere of electrical application and installation, but engineering has become my hobby.

I do benefit from my engineering hobby in that I really understand many intricate components and methods used by suppliers and their products- this allows me to see beyond the packaging.

I picked up the Mims books (Engineer's Mini Notebooks) from Radio Shack.
They will not by any means make you an electrical engineer, but they do have a decent amount of information (and can help lead you in the right direction).

Now I have to decide on a project to embark. The hardest thing for me is that I must see a practical purpose for the project, otherwise I will abandon it.

Friday, December 17, 2010

let's watch fat people cry

Fat people are the new entertainment. I see that even MTV will take a break from whatever the hell they waste their time doing these days and will be airing a new show where kids try to lose weight before entering college.

The promo for the show is what we have come to expect from such shows. Fat people crying about being fat.

Why the fu*k do we still watch any of this sh*t?

I use to watch shows like "The Biggest Loser" and alike, but I have grown tired of the endless parade of fat to fatter contestants. Every year they look to find the fattest people willing to humiliate themselves on national TV. So the producers can sell some gum and zip-lock sandwich bags. We get it. No really you guys have made your point. Fat people are only valuable humans when they lose weight and become "normal".

I'm tired of the fatties show me some other freak show for a change. I want some new entertainment. Since it is alright to exploit people who have brought their current state upon themselves here are a few suggestions for "reality show" subjects I want to pitch:
1.) Crack Whores with AIDS
2.) Homeless Bums

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reprint- A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

here is a oldie but goody :

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

by John Perry Barlow

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.

We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. You have neither solicited nor received ours. We did not invite you. You do not know us, nor do you know our world. Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. Do not think that you can build it, as though it were a public construction project. You cannot. It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions.

You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces. You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions.

You claim there are problems among us that you need to solve. You use this claim as an excuse to invade our precincts. Many of these problems don't exist. Where there are real conflicts, where there are wrongs, we will identify them and address them by our means. We are forming our own Social Contract . This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different.

Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. Ours is a world that is both everywhere and nowhere, but it is not where bodies live.

We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.

We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.

Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here.

Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge . Our identities may be distributed across many of your jurisdictions. The only law that all our constituent cultures would generally recognize is the Golden Rule. We hope we will be able to build our particular solutions on that basis. But we cannot accept the solutions you are attempting to impose.

In the United States, you have today created a law, the Telecommunications Reform Act, which repudiates your own Constitution and insults the dreams of Jefferson, Washington, Mill, Madison, DeToqueville, and Brandeis. These dreams must now be born anew in us.

You are terrified of your own children, since they are natives in a world where you will always be immigrants. Because you fear them, you entrust your bureaucracies with the parental responsibilities you are too cowardly to confront yourselves. In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from the debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits. We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.

In China, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, Italy and the United States, you are trying to ward off the virus of liberty by erecting guard posts at the frontiers of Cyberspace. These may keep out the contagion for a small time, but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit-bearing media.

Your increasingly obsolete information industries would perpetuate themselves by proposing laws, in America and elsewhere, that claim to own speech itself throughout the world. These laws would declare ideas to be another industrial product, no more noble than pig iron. In our world, whatever the human mind may create can be reproduced and distributed infinitely at no cost. The global conveyance of thought no longer requires your factories to accomplish.

These increasingly hostile and colonial measures place us in the same position as those previous lovers of freedom and self-determination who had to reject the authorities of distant, uninformed powers. We must declare our virtual selves immune to your sovereignty, even as we continue to consent to your rule over our bodies. We will spread ourselves across the Planet so that no one can arrest our thoughts.

We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.

Davos, Switzerland

February 8, 1996

Sunday, December 12, 2010

blogging basics

There is, in my opinion, two major types of Bloggers.

1st. is the writer. This blogger composes long posts; very well structured, articulate and opinionated. The writer writes about important issues and knows it. They also know that they know their subject best and look to inform others.

2nd. is the novice. This blogger writes in the moment; short attention spans abound. The novice is free to write about anything, at anytime, from any position. Most of the posts of the novice are expressions of self, thoughts; much of it incoherent from the readers viewpoint (because some posts are comments about recent situations).

I guess there is a third, namely the combination of the two, but this seldom happens. The writer blogger normally won't write like a novice. The novice can from time to time write about something not-so-completely useless, but will resort back to being the novice.

signed, the novice.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm all tinglingly

For the past few years we have been hobbling along with a old laptop that had seen its better day.
One of the fans went out so amongst the random overheats the laptop sounding like it was experiencing a death-rattle for the last 2 years. We actually missed the entire Vista release (which I hear wasn't much) I also just found out that all my old IDE drives won't work with the SATA motherboard.

But I don't care. I am in computer overload.
Just recently I got working with Ub10

And we just got a newdesktop (dual proc) running windows 7
So, for the span of 10 days, I have been been on full computer overload.

I am happy because win7 actually has user level access control on network file shares (something I could never find in XP (don't know if Vista had it)). And, I actually have UB10 and Win7 playing nice on the network (where my Win7 account authentication is valid for the share).

So, I know why I have been staying up later than normal.

Computers are actually fun again (if even for a little bit)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No time, or something like that

Right now there are many things I want to do but do not have either enough desire or enough time.

the end.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ub10 login keyring ?!?

I decided to change my login password to something with a higher strength.
Once I did this I started getting a message about my login keyring no longer matches my login password.

WTF! I looked all over the place for the "keyring"
Nope, nothing.

Found the following article that got me in the ballpark.

For Ub10.10 if you get this message, here is what seemed to work.
Go to: System> Preferences> Password and Encryption Keys
It won't say anything about keyring, but...

Under the Password tab (far right) there will be a entry called "Passwords:login" Right Click on the entry and at the bottom of the pop-up menu, select "Change Password"

Then hopefully you remember the old password.
But after you update this, you will no longer have the login keyring nag screens when you start to use the internet.

Just taking it easy

Who would have every thought that you would need to recoup from vacation time?
After taking a week and a half off; going back to work (if only for 3 days) was like I worked a full week.

Don't know if my body was adjusting to the sudden change in climate (guess Al Gore is right at least once a year); or if I just became a victim of the laws of Physics and was forced to violate them (the body at rest part).

Pretty much, I am just going to take it easy for the rest of today; tomorrow, I guess, I should actually get my butt in gear and get back to the land of the living.

Its been a good run.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Socially Awkward

I have tried and tried but find that I am socially awkward. The whole concept of social networking is lost on me. I have tried FB, MySpace, different Forums, etc; and I am just not too sure what the hell I am suppose to be doing (socially that is). I mean, what is the point? I'm here doing my thing, and other countless folks are out there doing their thing- how are we actually socializing?

Mostly it just seems like people use the Social aspect to argue with people they don't know about shit that really doesn't matter.

I think it has become too much really. And as far as the amount of Flash and Shockwave that these site use. I loaded Myspace and opened Chromium's task manager : Damn flash plug-in was chomping on 22% of the proc, just loading the page.

Farmville, mafia, and alike (boring and repetitive as they are) (honestly, why the hell do people play this shit for more than a week?)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Linux -Restoring my faith in humanity

I got a version of Ubuntu a couple years ago, in hopes of getting my wife interested in Linux based operating systems. She is not much of a computer geek and just wants to be able to play Farmville and other FB games, while occasionally printing some things off the internet.

I recently downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and absolutely love it. I remember installing Slackware and Redhat 4 just to find that I couldn't get the monitor to run X. SCO, Solaris, Debian, etc if it had a X (even OSX for Mac) I tired to run it. I even once bought an old SunSparc unit.

Ubuntu 10 is an outright out of the BOX OS which can rival MS and Mac.

Yes it is true that I just bought new DELL with Windows 7 (64bit) and look forward to using in it. But I love the fact that I can browse the net on my Toughbook and fear very-very-very few virus threats. I might actually use MySpace again :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why should I care who or how many people like something

Why should I care who or how many people like something

This goes doubly for sites that are not in fact social networking sites. Why should I give a rip who has read or liked a news article about the rising price of artichokes. If "Jim" from "FaceBook" likes the article too should I feel justified? I don't know Jim, he might be a complete dumb-ass and the face we have a common opinion about an article could reflect poorly on me.

The "like" feature and embedding of social networking site crap on web pages has gotten out of hand. Just in case you are wondering mister website designer, having your site reference a cookie from a social site doesn't make me feel like the web is tailor made for me; no, it is just creepy.

I liked the internet much more in the rip-roaring pre-Y2K days.
All these social sites are a freaking plague on the net.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The TSA is hiring Registered Sex Offenders

Yes, that can be the only reason that these TSA rent-a-cops are so quick with the body cavity searches. The TSA is part of a rehabilitation programs for porn addicts and registered sex offenders.

So, if you are a sleaze-bag pervo who likes abusing power the TSA is hiring.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cats and Dogs

I want to bitch slap the whole lot of ya.

It is annoying, to say the least, that it must always degenerate into a name-calling, tattle-tail, whine-fest; whenever there is a difference of ideology.

I find it interesting that both sides are painfully guilty of the same bias and one-sided reporting.

You are both puppets.
Good or Bad , just varying degrees of evil

get it, you guys are oarsmen on different sides of the ship; doing whatever you can to spite the other.

We are aware that neither system, on its own works. We are also aware that there are those who know this but love power, and use the divide to increase their grip.

It is what you have made it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh wait... You don't read this shit anyway

Since this blog is like the sound of one hand clapping (I'm a freaking wealth of philosophical crap lately). I have the thought, "how about starting posting some really crazy shit." You know, the type of stuff that makes complete strangers want to tell you off, even though there is absolutely no way you could ever have prior knowledge to intend to offend them (can we say run-on-sentence).

Some might say this is a bad idea.

I know what you are thinking, "NOTHING!" Cause I would have to have a reader to have someone to think something.


So, my first offensive thought: Midgets, just like real people only smaller.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In search for decent workboots

I should market myself as a tester for workboots. If I get 6 months out of a pair of boots they have a longer than average life span.
I remember when you would have to replace boot-laces. Now of days, I find myself removing the laces out of the boot before I throw the boots away.

In the past 3 years I have wore-out

2 Caterpillar Indiana models,

1 Wolverine Pit Boss,

1 Wolverine hiking boots (don't know the model name)

I remember being told that if I got a pair of RedWings, they would last for 2 years or more. I was lucky to get 9 months before they were un-wearable.

In my life, I have worn-out



Doc Martians,



and too many no name brands to recall.

I started with cheap boots, mainly because I could not afford the expensive ones. When I was first able to get a good pair, I thought the quality would justify the price. Sadly I have not found it to be true.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Questions answered.

The age old question (honestly I am unsure of the age) of the falling tree without a self-aware witness' observation, does it really fall?

I have always assumed the answer to be yes, because it states that the tree falls in the question (Wall-la! Rocket-science)

But logic alone will not do. No, we here at splitcell have done what logic has failed to do, we have proved it.

We have asked ourselves (which is strange cause there is only one of us): "If a blog is written and no body reads it, is it really written?"

If you can read this now, it must have been or you are just freaking imagining that you are reading it- ya Sicko.

I want a Nobel Peace Prize.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm taking a break

The one main thing that turns me off of my diet of conservative talk radio programming is their need for constant crisis.

Up, until, last Tuesday the midterm elections topped the crisis list.

After the election (which was really a statement of the American people to the government) did we get a chance to breath and enjoy the moment? No, there was another crisis that needs the utmost of our attention.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I do not buy it

This map of vote results has me curious and I am not buying it.

If you look, Angle held huge margins of victory in the majority of the state.

In two of the three areas that Reid won, his margin was a couple of percentage points.

The third, around Las Vegas, his margin skyrockets to 13 %

Can we say voter fraud?

It is one thing to have a general pattern that shows that the race can go either way. It is also common to see a blow-out (such as the results from all the 13 counties Angle carried), but when a single concentrated area has such a huge discrepancy there is a problem.

If the people of Nevada or Angles camp do nothing about this they sh0uld be ashamed of themselves. This is blatant fraud and election fixing.

It is not that hard, bring in a outside audit firm to confirm the machines and votes.

Reid will never agree and the secretary of state is an incumbent dem, so they will sway the results.

Also, to make my point, check out the results for the Governor and House Districts. Are you telling me that with such an overwhelming Republican response, all over the state, that 13% of Voters decided to keep one of the worst of the Democrates in office? Really? Come-on!

Reid, you are what is wrong with American politics today.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

If life is a highway, the Internet is a fractal

The Internet started as a meeting ground for a select few of nerds who were too smart for their own good. As it grew in popularity more and more people started using it as a meeting ground as well, sadly these people were not too smart for their own good.

The Internet, now, plays host to every conceivable concoction of hobby, interest, fetish, and perversion.

To each his (or her) own; but come on!

If you examine far enough, you can find almost anything; just becareful because you might unwittingly find yourself on the wrong side of a FBI sting operation.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Shut up or exact justice

There is a lot of allegations of voter fraud and vote tampering this election cycle. From the reports I have heard the "glitches" seem to favor the Democratic party.

This has a lot of people crying voter fraud.

Well, good; if there is voter fraud occurring, then demand justice!

Call the police, record the incident on your cell phone.

Make them accountable.

I am sure one of the "volunteers" knows who to call in case of emergency.

Do take it laying down.

Cause a fuss.

Let the ruling class know this behaviour will not be tolerated.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Burn hot, burn out

Trying to keep abreast of what is going on in the world, I find myself overwhelmed with bad news. Everyday it is more of the same; crooked dealings, lies, cheating, murder, slander, rape, and then the really nasty stuff.

The Blaze has burned me out.

I have a job that has its own set of concerns.

I am a fixer, I fix what doesn't work.

I am not designed to listen to what is wrong and not fix it, but apparently this is the way it goes in politics; "We all know it doesn't work, but lets not fix it" seems to be the motto of many. Perhaps it is in the interests of job security that they don't just overhaul the thing and get done with it. If it is fixed then your hours are reduced to routine maintenance.

Whatever the reason, I don't care.

Call me when you are ready to actually deal with the problem and get it resolved. I am tired of listening to the moaning about how broken it is.

Man up.

Roll up your sleeves.

Be unpopular.

Do the dirty work.

Get the job done.

We have to do it; so should you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

incline planes and cannon balls

It maybe that my years of going to the gym to workout are behind me. I don't know if it was the social aspect or that I just needed to get out of the house; but I no longer have any real desire to go workout at a gym for a monthly fee.

I have been using kettlebells for awhile and really like the workout you can get with them. Recently I got a total gym (for $80 from craigslist).

It is funny that in the technological age we live in, I get the best workout using a simple machine (an incline plane) and a cannon ball with a handle.

I will say I was really surprised to find out how good of an exercise you can get from the total gym (I am highly skeptical of anything from an infomercial). I should not have to answer this, but just to be clear, it will not let you bulk up- it will give you endurance workouts.

What I really would like is to try out the Bayou fitness total trainer.

So, my wish list for this year is a total trainer pro and a 70 lb Ader KB.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I hate this time; about 2 weeks until elections.

I'm so tired of all the political crap.

He did this,

She did this,


SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS- Right now anything you say will just piss people off. We have already decided if we are going to vote for you or not.

we are beginning to hate you now.


Some days you get a unexpected surprise

That is all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We aren't voting for you because we think you're cool

This election cycle it is clear that we are sending a message to the powers that be. For those candidates that we vote in, we need to make one thing clear; We will get rid of you in a heartbeat if you do not do the job we are electing you to do. Working class folks are not big on non-performance in the work place; we have to meet expectations all day long.

We are not in love with you and do not think you are exceptionally cool, we want you to do the job we are electing you to do.

AND BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT LIE TO US; we will take you at your word. If you break a promise, we will not go lightly on you. We are tired of hearing about the political machine. It is broken, we are sending you to fix it- NOT PLAY WITH IT.

We are tired of politics as usual; that old game has got us into this mess.

We the people will be heard.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just remember, wherever you go, there you are.

Every now and again I wonder what it would be like to be someone else. I am not talking about a celebrity or someone in the national spotlight but someone who grew up in a place with a different family environment, philosophical outlook, sociological understanding, and personality. The latest occurrence happened when I was watching a show and the contestant was some guy from the Bronx; this guy looked and acted the way I would expect a guy who grew up in that area (I understand that this is all based on stereotypes).

It is not that I have not had the opportunity to “change” who I am. I have lived in many different cities and states in my life. In fact, I am so use to be the “new guy” that the concept of being part of a group or community is foreign to my thinking. I have moved in to areas where I have only distant relationships in the area and could have presented myself as whoever I wanted to be.

I remember flirting around with the idea I could present myself as someone who I am not, but soon found that you really can not divorce yourself from your sense of being. The image of yourself is not as easily transformed as you think. To accomplish this you must be constantly engaged in restraining who you are. I am do believe it is possible to accomplish changing who you are (how you were raised and your worldview), but it is complex. I also believe that it is possible that if you try to change who you are you could end up more losing something and find you can not restore it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh yes, this is what we should strive to obtain

As a male who grew up in the 80's my image of a strong and fit physique is a tad askew. Rambo and the Terminator really set the bar to a unrealistic goal.
Even now: happily married, father, successful in business; the image has not changed much.
It seems like no matter where you look, there seems to be someone ready to tell you that you need to lose weight, gain muscle, or enlarge your johnson.
Can we not be satisfied with who we are and where we are? Our culture is highly discontent. When you have size 1 women running around with the ever elusive 5 pounds to lose.
We seem so busy lusting after what we think we want, we miss the here and now. Not to sound like too much of a a-hole, if you waste your life in this manner, you deserve to be miserable.
Get over yourself. There is more to life than being pretty.
Pretty people decompose just like ugly people. So find something that is really worth your time and attention, you'll be happier and enjoy yourself more.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No pity following

My wife said she would start following my blog just so I would someone following my blog.
I don't need no stinking pity following; pity sex, "Yes" but absoultly no pity following.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Say "yes" to YES

Just enjoying a night watching a YES concert via Netflix

Netflix is posed to really take a big bite out of the customer base for cable companies. We have opted for Netflix over Cable because we like being in control of what the programing is and only want to watch reruns if we really want too, not because a network is just filling in time until the start of the next season.

More media outlets and networks should seriously find away to bundle their content with a service like Netflix. Cable (the land of a million reruns and commercials you pay a premium price to view) is a dinosaur. And just so you know, I can watch BeastMaster on Netflix too (vague late 80's reference to HBO movie rotation)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Is that what a real man is supposed to look like?

Fight Club quote, " Is that what a real man is supposed to look like?"

We live in the illusion that fitness is glamorous. What is below the exterior is never questioned, as long as the exterior fits our expectations.

Collective hate bonding

I like the idea of "Anti-social networking" as much as the next guy, but should we be concerned with the effects of collective hate bonding; namely "Mob Rule".

If you can get enough people together who hate the same thing (the operative word is 'enough') you then possess the very volatile formula for revolution. It is precisely because of this instability, that Democracy is a poor governmental system.

I digress.

It seems odd that people would be surprised that making a website where people can share their dislikes, especially by allowing them the give a brief reason for the dislike, would foster bonding.

Common hates have always been a catalyst for alliances; hate fuels hate, and alliances built on common dislikes grow and fester to the point that they begin to engulf everyone and everything that stands either outside or in opposition to the alliance.

Do we ban it?
No, you can't; it is too much apart of human nature.
Can we educate it out of people?
No, it is entrenched in the brain where reason can not touch.

What do we do?
Acknowledge it in yourself and be honest about it in your own life, work against your natural inclinations, and work on not feeding the hate of others.
That is all we can do. At the very best we will not encourage others to act out on their hate, but we will never stop them from hating.

Friday, October 8, 2010


If there is one message the politicians need to hear, loud and (excruciatingly) clear, it's "STOP LYING!"

We are tired of all the lies, half-truths, spin, mis-remembering, and just plain unadulterated bullshit.

It is not that one party corners the market on truthfulness; both parties are guilty of saying what they think their current audience wants to hear.

I wouldn't let my kid act the way politicians act.

If you take a second to think about it, we let politicians act like punk ass kids and we let them have the power of making laws. I think if they can't act like adults before election they should be publicly flogged.

Campaign promises should be treated as verbal contracts. If after they are elected and it is discovered they lied they should be jailed. People are elected based on the idea they will stay true to the promises they make during the campaign.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"So that one may walk in peace."

"So that one may walk in peace."

Should we be surprised

There has been a fair amount of press concerning bullying lately.

It seems like a lot of people like to write off bullies as just a fact of growing up. Others want to delve into the fragile psyches of the bully to explain away their behaviour. The real reason why some people continue to bully is plain and simple: bullies know that the laws favor the aggressor. Bullies know that if they strike first, they have the advantage and the victim will (likely) be restrained from reacting.

This happens all the time.

Teachers or other authority figures, when trying to intervene, will restrain the victim along with the aggressor. Many of these people live in a ideological land where the victim should rise above it, don't repay offense with offense. In this system those who wish to encourage peace actually facilitate war. It doesn't take a lot to figure out why those who bully continue to do so.

I say bullocks to that. I will continue to teach my son that if anyone bullies him, he is required to defend himself.

what is up with these sicko?

If there was any other group out there using children in the same fashion that some of these environment companies are, there would be a huge public out cry.

First, the 10.10 video comes out.

If you haven't seen the video (it makes the SAW movies look like a PBS special) here is the link

The a group called ACT features a picture of a little girl with a noose around her neck standing on a iceberg.

I mean, REALLY?

Is it truly the message these groups want to send? I think the ACT group is trying to impress that they believe that if Climate change is not dealt with (I personally believe that the whole climate change thing is a scheme to make money) that it is putting children at risk.

But the 10.10 video doesn't send that message at all. The 10.10 video's message is, if you dissent we will kill you. Further more, if you teach your kids to be skeptical of climate change, we will kill them as well.

I don't care for democrats or republicans- both are pretty much sellouts. But I do believe that if these tactics were in use by some group, any less progressive, the public outcry would be monumental. We would all be demanding a pound of flesh.

You fuck with me, that's cool, I can hold my own; you fuck with my kid- I kill you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

stop dicking around.

I have a hobby of "collecting" funny or unique warning signs. I think it stems from the fact that we as a culture have become so sissified that if someone doesn't warn us of every possible danger we feel we have been wronged.

I digress.
I think this sign could, in fact, be a commentary for my life.

Dicking around by the edge has always been a dangerous venture; but, I must not give a rip because I always end up dicking around the edge again.

Once again, my footing slips (because as the sign says, footing is hazardous), I'm slipping down the bank on my ass.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Social Not-working

I do not want to be lumped in with those who for one reason or another hate facebook. Nor do I fear deeply for all the personal information social networking sites mine and sell; that is pretty much their business. Stalking, Cyber bullying, and alike do not fuel my desire to disengage from facebook.
Do I think facebook has value? Yes, I know of many families that use FB as a means of staying in touch and keeping up-to-date with each other's happenings.

I, merely, am done.

I didn't join FB right away (I delayed, wondering what all the to-do was about); much like my delay in joining myspace. (Is myspace still around?). But once I did join FB, I was amazed at how many people from high school were already active on the site; people I had forgot and not thought about for years. It was fun, to re-connect, but quickly you realize why the divide occurred in the first place. We are not eternally encased in who we were, nor should we be seen in that way. Nor do we need to have all of our thoughts and daily activities chronicled (yes I am aware of the irony) for friends and acquaintances alike to scroll through daily.

I, merely, am done.

Soon, as with all things, FB will drift into the back of our collective consciousness. It will be there. There will be many who will still use it religiously. No, it will no cease, we will merely move forward and no longer notice FB.

we will, merely, be done.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

words words words words words

Left. Right. Progressive. Conservative.
All just talking over each-other.

No one is willing to agree on a topic and they all just resort to their prepackaged talking points.

I am convinced that there is somewhere between 4 and 10 original thinkers with access to a national microphone. After those few have spoke, the rest of us just regurgitate it over and over.

I'm tired of the talk. Now, the political ads litter the broadcast channels.

All I can say to who ever comes up with those ads; GROW THE F''K UP!

You all sound like whiny little brats, tattling on one another. You are all slime and deserve nothing but the scorn of those who actually work for a living.

GROW UP; before we make you actually contribute to society.

more than you know

Amazingly people still haven't figured out that other people are not so single dimensional that they can be known from just a cursory acquaintance.